,,სწორი არჩევანი''

გოგიძე ნატალია , სსიპ ქ.რუსთავის N20 საჯარო სკოლა
The objectives of the project are to expose students to different professional fields, provide them with hands-on training and experience in those fields, and help them make informed decisions about their future careers. The project aims to engage 50-60 students from local schools in various activities, including training workshops, mock trials, mock fire and evacuation drills, and first aid training. The project also includes resources for students to learn how to write a motivational letter and familiarize themselves with employment sites. The project will involve partnerships with various organizations, including the city court, a center for democratic engagement, a 112 center, and an art, sports and youth center. The project aims to provide resources and support to students as they explore different career paths and make decisions about their futures.
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