ვიზრუნოთ სიცოცხლის გადარჩენისთვის

პავლიაშვილი ნათია , სსიპ სიღნაღის მუნიციპალიტეტი სოფელი ბოდბისხევი
The project aims to equip schoolchildren with practical skills in first aid for accidents such as fires, earthquakes, etc. To achieve this goal, the project will conduct a study on the current level of knowledge about emergency procedures among school and community members. Special lessons will be held by teachers to provide information about first aid, safe behavior during disasters, and emergency procedures. The project will also involve school and family doctors in training on first aid and will hold a simulated fire event with the participation of emergency services. In addition, the project will launch an awareness campaign and distribute flyers to the community and Vakirი Public School. The project will involve partnerships with the Bodbiskhevi family doctor, the emergency services of the municipality, and Vakirი Public School. Photo and video documentation of all project activities is also planned.
3 თვე
450 დოლარი