მე ვირჩევ პროფესიას

ბრეგვაძე შორენა , სსიპ დუშეთის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფელ საშაბუროს საჯარო სკოლა
The objective of the project is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the importance of choosing a suitable profession for success. To achieve this goal, students will engage in a range of activities, including conducting research on various professions, visiting a vocational education center, meeting with local entrepreneurs, attending a lecture on women in technology, and participating in practical activities. Additionally, the school community will hold an "Orientation Festival" and an essay contest called "Why I Choose a Profession." The students will also print and distribute informational booklets to their peers to encourage them to make informed decisions about their future careers based on their interests. The project will involve the participation of several organizations, including a local beekeeper, the Vocational Education Center of Tsinamdrianantkari, and the Dusheti Municipality City Hall's Youth Advisory Council.
3 თვე
450 დოლარი