სწორად შერჩეული პროფესია, ბედნიერი მომავლის საწინდარია

ჭყონია დოდო , სსიპ სიღნაღის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფელ საქობოს საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to help students in choosing their future profession by conducting a survey to assess their knowledge and interest in various professions, gathering information about higher education and vocational schools, and offering opportunities for students to learn about the work process of different professions through lectures, meetings with professionals, and visits to organizations. The project will be implemented by the school administration and a civic club, with the involvement of private sector, local self-government, and educational institutions. The project will culminate in a summary event or presentation.
4 თვე
443.17 დოლარი