ადრეული ქორწინება

ჭინჭარაული ეკატერინე , სსიპ ქალაქ თბილისის N:168 საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to increase awareness about the negative impacts of early marriage on physical and mental health within the community and school community. To achieve this, students will conduct research on societal attitudes towards early marriage, hold a seminar with a medical professional, organize a drawing competition and essay contest on the theme of prematurely ending childhood, meet with representatives from law enforcement, and engage with parents to discuss the risks of early marriage. The project will be monitored to assess its impact on raising awareness and will culminate in an awards ceremony for the winners of the essay contest. The project will also involve collaboration with other organizations such as psychologists, doctors, and lawer
3 თვე
450 დოლარი