ნუ წაგვართმევთ ბავშვობას!

ფაშეევი ნაილ , სსიპ ქალაქ გარდაბნის ლევან დევდარიანის სახელობის #1 საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to raise awareness about the negative consequences of early marriage and to provide information on how to protect oneself in such situations. To achieve this goal, students will organize a screening of an animated film, a discussion with the involvement of social services and students, as well as meetings with law enforcement officers, lawyers, and social workers. Members of the civic club will prepare bilingual leaflets and distribute them in the community, students will place a banner on the school grounds highlighting the negative consequences of early marriage and ways to prevent it. The project will involve the participation of local social services, lawyers, and social workers to help support these efforts.
2 თვე
450 დოლარი