პროფესია და ჩვენი მომავალი

პიჭიკიან ამირან , სსიპ-ახალქალაქის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფელ ტურცხის საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to increase awareness and develop skills among school students in regards to professional orientation and employment opportunities. To achieve this, a survey will be conducted to understand the profession choices of schoolchildren and why they made those choices. The project team will also hold meetings with professionals from various fields, such as a village nurse, veterinarian, fireman, and electrician, and organize visits to local businesses such as a butter factory and bakery. In addition, trainings on preparing CV and cover letters will be provided to the students. The project will also include a presentation at vocational schools, universities, and faculties, as well as the production of informational brochures. Finally, successful graduates will be invited to the school to share their experiences and the project team will hold a summary meeting to review the results of the project. The project will involve the participation of various organizations, including representatives from the local business sector, as well as professionals in various fields.
3 თვე
450 დოლარი