„მე და შენ ციფრულ ეპოქაში“

ხიტალიშვილი ხვიჩა ვაჟა, სსიპ დუშეთის მუნიციპალიტეტის დაბა ჟინვალის საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to increase awareness about digital citizenship and internet safety among parents and students in the school community. To achieve this goal, the project team will hold a cyber week at the school, with the active participation of students. The team will also conduct a survey in the community to gather insights on how well parents and students can recognize and respond to internet threats. Additionally, the team will visit "Geolab," hold a Cyber Olympiad, create informative materials such as booklets and banners, organize a film screening with the involvement of parents, and celebrate the International Safe Internet Day. The project team will also work with the organization "Geolab" to achieve its objectives. The overall aim of this project is to help the school community stay safe and informed while using the internet.
2 თვე
450 დოლარი