ავიცილოთ თავიდან ტრეფიკინგი!!! ნუ გახდები მსხვერპლი!

ცხადაია მარინა , სსიპ წალენჯიხის მუნიციპალიტეტის ლიის თემის N1 საჯარო სკოლა
The main goal of this project is to increase awareness about human trafficking within the school community and the larger community of ABL village with active involvment of students. To achieve this goal, the project team will collaborate with local and international organizations, invite guest speakers, and host events such as film screenings, informational meetings, and contests for videos, essays, and blogs. The project will also involve the local self-government and the Public Defender's Office. Through these efforts, the project aims to deepen the knowledge and understanding of human trafficking within the school community and ABL village, and to provide resources and support for those affected by this issue.
4 თვე
450 დოლარი