დეზინფორმაციის კვალდაკვალ - წინ უკეთესი მომავლისკენ

Nino Maisuradze, სსიპ ქალაქ თბილისის N151 საჯარო სკოლა
The aim of this project is to educate primary and secondary level students on the dangers of misinformation and how to recognize false information. To achieve this goal, the project will offer online or in-person training sessions on disinformation, as well as visits to the BM.ge studio. Additionally, the project will hold a bilingual workshop on identifying false information with the involvement of BM.ge. The students will also plan and lead meetings for their peers and teachers on the topic of disinformation and false information. The project will also involve the creation of posters and the publication of articles in a school newspaper on the dangers of disinformation and how to spot fake information. The private sector organizations FactCheck.ge, the Institute of War and Peace, and BM.ge will be involved in the project.
3 თვე
450 დოლარი