„სამეწარმეო უნარების განვითრება ახალგაზრდების გაძლიერებისთვის“

დარსანია მარიამ , სსიპ ზუგდიდის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფ ახალაბასთუმნის საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to support the entrepreneurial development of 14-16 year old youth through non-formal education approaches. This will be achieved through a three-day training course on social entrepreneurship and informational meetings called "Youth4Youth," where the trained young people will share their knowledge and skills with school students, teachers, and parents. The project also includes visits to social enterprises in Samegrelo and the organization of a festival of board games designed to develop entrepreneurial competencies. The project team will be collaborating with several other organizations, including Soc. Enterprise "Friend" and "Chiri-ge" , and "PAKKA GEORGIA" nut enterprise.
3 თვე
450 დოლარი