,,ხელმისაწვდომი გარემო ყველასათვის“

ჭიღლაძე ქეთევანი , სსიპ გურჯაანის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფელ კარდენახის საჯარო სკოლა
The project aims to increase students' awareness of equal rights and opportunities for all individuals. To achieve this, the project will involve a variety of activities such as home visits, visits to non-governmental organizations, film screenings and discussions, and an event featuring performances by students. The project will also involve collaboration with various organizations including the local government, NGOs, and a day center for people with disabilities. The goal is to educate students on empathy and the importance of protecting children's rights, and to provide a platform for students to showcase their talents. The project will prioritize the inclusion of all students, including those with disabilities.
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