
გოგალაძე ნათელა , სსიპ ლესია უკრაინკას სახელობის ხაშურის მუნიციპალიტეტის დაბა სურამის N3 საჯარო სკოლა
The objective of this project is to increase democratic awareness and provide topical information to students through the use of puppet theater. To achieve this, students will participate in various activities such as creating sketches of dolls, organizing exhibitions and competitions, and taking master classes with the Khashuri Puppet Theater troupe. The students will also be involved in the creation of the scenes and decorations for the performances, which will be held on various themes and updated annually. This project involves collaboration with the Khashuri Moambe and Khashuri puppet theater troupe organizations.
3 თვე
450 დოლარი