,,წყალი -ჩვენი არსობისა

ბატონისაშვილი მარიამ , გორის # 5 საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to increase awareness and understanding of ecological and environmental issues among students, with a focus on clean water. The project will include informational meetings, lectures and seminars from experts, group presentations and discussions, and practical activities such as film screenings and flash mobs. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to visit local water infrastructure and learn about water analysis principles. In the framework of the project, a water filter will be installed in the school to ensure clean and sanitary bathroom facilities. The project will be implemented by the student self-govenment, with the involvement of the Georgian United Water Supply Company and the Gori City Hall lawyer. The overall objective is to promote a responsible and positive attitude towards the environment among students.
3 თვე
450 დოლარი