არა ძალადობას

ხოზრევანიძე როენა , სსიპ რუსლან მელაძის სახელობის ქვემო ვაშლოვანის საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to raise public awareness about ways to prevent violence in the community. To achieve this, research will be conducted through anonymous surveys completed by students about their experiences with violence. The project will also include a meeting with women in the community, led by invited specialists such as a lawyer, psychologists, and doctors. Another meeting will be held with women entrepreneurs in order to increase economic opportunities for women in the community and share experiences. Finally, the results of the project will be summarized at a summary event. Organizations involved in this project include the women's room and other professionals.
4 თვე
450 დოლარი