უფროსი მეგობრის კლუბი

ხიდაშელი ანა , ქალაქ რუსთავის სსიპ ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის #24 ქართული გიმნაზია
The Senior Friend Club project aims to enhance civic competence among students through various activities, such as creating road safety awareness posters, advocating for the renewal of a zebra crossing and traffic light, and a study tour focused on environmental protection. The project also includes workshops on active citizenship and the development of communication and business skills for students. Another aspect of the project is a micro-ideas competition for students to re-arrange the school yard. Additionally, the project will include an environmental awareness study tour and campaign to care for the school yard plants. The project involves collaboration with several organizations, including the Rustavi Center, Rustavi City Hall, and the organization "Gavigude", as well as individual experts from various fields. The overall aim of the project is to encourage student involvement in school and civic activities.
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444 დოლარი