„ახალგაზრდა მოხალისეები მდგრადი განვითარებისთვის“

Seda Murukuniani, სსიპ ქ. ახალქალაქის #1 საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to empower students to become active and engaged citizens and promote gender equality through various initiatives. To achieve this goal, the students plan to establish a civic education group and implement a "16-day campaign against gender violence" in collaboration with the Gender Equality Council, Public Defender's Office, local police, and public school No. 1 of Diliska village. Students will also hold an exhibition of paintings related to equality and distribute booklets on the topic. The project will culminate with a closing event focused on the universal protection of human rights at the Akhalkalaki and Diliska #1 public schools.
4 თვე
448.17 დოლარი