გასაღები ციფრულ სამყაროში

ფრიდონაშვილი სოფიო , სსიპ დუშეთის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფელ ბულაჩაურის საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to increase awareness about the benefits and risks of the digital world, as well as to improve digital literacy and media literacy among students and their parents/guardians. This will be achieved through a variety of activities including lectures, discussions, film screenings, information campaigns, and the development of an anti-bullying and cyberbullying policy document. The project will involve guest speakers, student self-government members, and teachers, as well as partnerships with other organizations such as the Strategic Communications Center of Georgia. Overall, the aim is to promote a safe and responsible use of technology among school communities.
3 თვე
448.53 დოლარი