სამართლიანობა ყველასთვის

ჩაჩუა საბა , სსიპ ქ. ოზურგეთის #4 საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to address and reduce violence against women and girls, as well as challenge and change harmful stereotypes. To achieve these goals, students will conduct a survey, meet with local organizations and experts, organize a film screening and discussion, and create a video clip. The project will also involve the local public school and involve an information campaign through the distribution of materials and a social media campaign. The project will culminate in a summary event to share the results with the community. The project will be carried out in collaboration with various local organizations, including the public school, local self-government, the Public Defender's Office, the police, the Association of Young Lawyers, and an organization defending women's rights in the region.
3 თვე
449.57 დოლარი