მოსწავლეთა ჩართულობა სკოლაში დემოკრატიული კულტურის განვითარებისათვის

მჟავანაძე საბა , სსიპ აფხაზეთის N5 საჯარო სკოლა
The main goal of this project is to promote the personal development of students and encourage the development of communication skills in order to foster a democratic culture within the school. To achieve this goal, students plan to create a student club, form focus groups with students to identify their interests, and hold a training seminar on the topic of "Competencies of democratic culture at school." The team will also collaborate with a partner school to plan and implement activities related to children's rights, participate in intellectual games and watch and discuss a film, and hold events to celebrate World Down's Day and Earth Protection Day. Additionally, the team will organize a European week and a competition between schools, hold activities to promote healthy living. Students will also create a video clip about project activities. The project will involve students who are members of the self-government and will also involve other organizations such as Kutaisis Public School #6 and Ak. Tsereteli State University.
3 თვე
364.87 დოლარი