ერთად გავანათოთ სამყარო

ყურბანოვა აისელ , სსიპ თელავის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფ.ყარაჯალის საჯარო სკოლა
The project aims to improve literacy skills and values among the community in Karajal through various activities such as literary evenings, artistic reading days, and book discussions. The project also focuses on increasing parental involvement and promoting equal education opportunities for both boys and girls. In addition, a mini-play about gender discrimination will be staged and intellectual games will be organized. The project will involve collaboration with the Georgian language and literature club, the media outlet "Voice of Kakheti," and the Ikalto village public school. A study will be conducted to assess the impact of the project on students after its completion. Booklets will also be produced and distributed in the community to promote literacy.
2 თვე
450 დოლარი