ნუ გადამგდებ, გადამარჩინე და შემქმენი შენი ხელით!

სუყაშვილი თემური , სსიპ ქ.მარნეულის N5 საჯარო სკოლა
The main objective of this project is to educate elementary school students on the importance of waste sorting and management, and to promote the reuse of sorted paper. Through the participation of senior students and members of the civic club, the project aims to raise awareness about the benefits of reducing waste and promoting sustainability. By collecting waste paper and creating new items from it, the project aims to demonstrate the value of resource conservation and encourage students to adopt environmentally-friendly practices. The project will culminate in an exhibition-sale of the recycled products, which will be organized by students, who are representatives of the ethnic minority. Overall, this project aims to empower students to make a positive impact on the environment and to contribute to the sustainability of their community.
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