,ჯანსაღი ურთიერთობები ზოგადადამიანური სიყვარულის საწინდარია“

მარგიანი ანა , სსიპ საგარეჯოს მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფელ ნინოწმინდის საჯარო სკოლა
The project aims to reduce school-level violence by actively involving students. Steps include a student-led study on violence awareness, talks by educators and psychologists on conflict resolution, a presentation by the school doctor on health impacts, a group analysis of the film "Lake," an essay competition on anti-violence themes, creating exhibition works, an art activity expressing victim emotions, a video clip contest, meetings with legal professionals, organizing outdoor activities to build healthy relationships, and educational presentations for students and community members on violence prevention. .
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450 დოლარი