ახალდაბა-კლიმატურ ბალნეოლოგიური კურორტი და ტურისტული ზონა

კიპაროიძე ქეთევან , ბორჯომი დაბა - ახალდაბის საჯარო სკოლა
The project aims to engage students in the public life of their community while developing communication skills with tourists. Focused on promoting Akhaldaba as a resort area, students will gather information about Akhaldaba potential and contribute to its tourism development. Student led activities include community meetings, interviews, tourism-related trainings, a photo tour, bilingual booklet and video production, engagement with the local government, visits to tourist centers, creation of a Facebook page, and dissemination of promotional materials.
4 თვე
450 დოლარი