„ხელი ჩავკიდოთ საერთო მიზნებისთვის“

მამალაძე მაკა , სსიპ-ნოდარ დუმბაძის სახელობის ქალაქ ოზურგეთის N2 საჯარო სკოლა
The project aims to boost parental engagement, enhance student achievements, and nurture school culture. Student led activities include establishing a parents' club with an information website, awareness presentations, initiating an ideas box, researching parents' interests, and organizing various events such as quizzes, intelligent games, and a creative exhibition. Other activities involve discussions, a lecture by a psychologist, a cooking day with a competition and charity action, a parent-teacher event, and attending a lecture by Shalva Amonashvili.
4 თვე
450 დოლარი