გავუფრთხილდეთ წარსულს-მომავლისათვის

თაბუაშვილი ნაზიბროლა , სსიპ კასპის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფელ დოესის საჯარო სკოლა
The project envisions the establishment of a school museum, engaging students in preserving cultural heritage. Initiatives include introducing the idea to students, emphasizing the importance of museums through a student-prepared presentation, creating flyers for community involvement, purchasing inventory for the museum, sorting and labeling collected items, and organizing a master class by Museum guide. The culmination involves the preparation of guides by studnet government and history club members, facilitating visitor reception, and providing insightful information about the exhibits. This project serves as an educational and cultural bridge within the school and the local community.
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450 დოლარი