სახელმწიფო ენის სწავლების გაძლიერება სამოქალაქო ინტეგრაციისთვის

ადამია ნინო , სსიპ ბოლნისის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფელ ნახიდურის საჯარო სკოლა
The objective of this project is to promote the integration of Azerbaijani students into the community and improve their knowledge of the state language through a range of educational activities. These include informal meetings with students on gender issues, readings club gatherings, and integrated lessons with a focus on language and social issues. The project involves the participation of students, who will present a presentation on gender equality and create information booklets to be distributed in the community. The project also involves the involvement of volunteer parents and teachers, who will help to create adapted, language-simplified versions of learning materials to be distributed to younger students. The project aims to engage and involve other organizations in order to achieve its goals.
1 თვე
1216.5 დოლარი