უსაფრთხოება ჩემს ირგვლივ.

დევაძე ნინო , სსიპ ბორჯომის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფ. ჭობისხევის საჯარო სკოლა
The project aims to improve safety for children in the Chobiskhevi village of Borjomi municipality by installing a warning sign and a zebra crossing near the school. Additionally, the project aims to raise awareness among students about safety and to teach them how to cooperate with different sectors. To achieve these goals, research will be conducted in the local community by students and they will learn about safety issues and prepare a presentation on the topic. The project also involves reaching out to the local government and patrol department to request the installation of the warning sign and zebra crossing. Students also plant to sign memorandum of cooperation the Javakheti representative office of the Public Defender's Office and the social workers service. Other organizations involved in the project include the local self-government, police, and media.
4 თვე
450 დოლარი