პროფესიული ორიენტაციის საკითხები და მოზარდები

ოდიშელიძე გელა , სსიპ ქალაქ თბილისის N:177 საჯარო სკოლა
The project aims to introduce new strategies and approaches to career choice in the school setting and to provide a mechanism and values to help students make informed decisions about their professional paths. To achieve these goals, a civic education club will hold meetings and presentations for volunteer students and parents, and conduct research with former students and parents. The project will also involve testing students using different questionnaire and visiting a professional college to learn about available courses and the learning environment. Students will prepare presentations on various professions using various methods, such as video essays, audio essays, interviews, or other formats. Informational posters and leaflets will be distributed to the community, and an open, accessible information base will be created to accumulate actual experiences of people related to their professional paths. The project will be supported by the Gldani Vocational Training Center and Liberty Bank, both financially and in a consulting capacity.
4 თვე
450 დოლარი