,,მე ვირჩევ პროფესიას“

გოგიბერიძე მაია , სსიპ ჩოხატაურის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფელ ხიდისთავის საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of this project is to provide students with information about various career options, including prestigious and non-prestigious occupations. To accomplish this, the school administration will conduct surveys, hold meetings with students, and organize visits to vocational schools and local businesses. The project will also include training on CV and cover letter writing, as well as meetings with successful individuals from a range of professions. The project will involve collaboration with various organizations, including vocational schools, local businesses, and cultural institutions. The overall aim is to help students understand how to choose the right profession and plan for their future careers.
3 თვე
447.32 დოლარი