ცხოვრება აუტიზმთან ერთად

აბესაძე მარიამ , სსიპ ქალაქ ხაშურის N4 საჯარო სკოლა
The objective of the project is to increase awareness about autism and inclusive education in the school community, and to involve parents in the process of working with adolescents with autism. This will be achieved through a master class with an expert on inclusive education, the creation of a video to raise awareness about autism, the development of an "advice book" for parents, the creation of a sensory corner in the school's resource room, and the preparation of information booklets and flyers. The project will also involve the participation of other organizations, including a Georgian businessman living in America, a welfare and development center, and local kindergartens and psychologists. The ultimate goal is to provide students with the necessary skills and resources to work with children with autistic spectrum, and to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all students.
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450 დოლარი