ციფრული ჰაბი

ბერიძე სუზანა , სსიპ ვასილ განჯელაშვილის სახელობის სვენეთის საჯარო სკოლა
The goal of the project is to create a digital hub at the school that will facilitate the management of the teaching-learning process and encourage student activism through a range of activities and events. These will include "Living Library Days" with guests from various professions, discussions on community activism and gender issues, trainings on digital literacy and coding, media literacy workshops with the involvement of Radio "Mozaika", board game days, and intergenerational workshops with grandparents. The project will be implemented by tstudent sel-government with support from external organizations including Radio "Mozaika", the White Spring Youth Center, Soc. Enterprise 7R, and the Gori Public Defender's Office.
4 თვე
433.52 დოლარი