გავერთიანდეთ ადამიანის უფლებების დასაცავად

მოლაშვილი გვანცა , სსიპ მერაბ კოსტავას სახელობის ქალაქ თელავის N4 საჯარო სკოლა
The project aims to address violence against women, promote gender equality, and stimulate awareness in the school community. Activities include an information campaign with student presentations, community flyer distribution, a competition for creative materials, an active social media campaign highlighting successful women, collaboration with local media, inviting a successful alumna for an interview, a visit to the Office of the Public Defender, discussions on early marriage, creating a board game featuring famous women, visits to the women's room at city hall and local organizations, a gender-themed graffiti project, and a final event with partner schools covered by local media.
4 თვე
450 დოლარი