,,შეურჩიე პროფესია“

ჩადუნელი სალომე ბესიკი, სსიპ ქრისტეფორე III-ის სახელობის ხაშურის მუნიციპალიტეტის დ.სურამის N4 საჯარო სკოლა
This project aims to promote professional education and inform students about the importance of career choices. Activities include an informational meeting, teacher-led presentations on regional professions, a community survey, and a presentation of survey results. Additional information on lesser-known professions will be gathered, and resources like presentations, brochures, wall newspapers, and quizzes will be prepared. Professional weeks will feature guest speakers from various professions, and students will visit Kaspi Vocational School for firsthand experience. The project concludes with a final event summarizing the outcomes and presenting results to the school community.
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450 დოლარი