"მასწავლებელი, მოსწავლე, მშობელი - აქტიური სკოლის მოდელი"

ალექსიძე ნინო , სსიპ ქალაქ ხაშურის N7 საჯარო სკოლა
This project aims to enhance communication between schools, parents, and the community through joint training sessions. It focuses on improving parental involvement, fostering volunteerism, and promoting collaboration. The initial phase involves planning, partner engagement, and setting up communication systems. A comprehensive research study will be conducted to assess parental engagement, transparency, and satisfaction, followed by analysis, recommendations, and dissemination of findings. Informational seminars will be organized, and representatives selected to facilitate positive changes in school dynamics.
4 თვე
450 დოლარი