პროფორიენტაცია-განვითარების საფუძველი

ცუხიშვილი ლია , სსიპ ქ.თბილისის N 10 საჯარო სკოლა
The project aims to inform students about essential professions and enhance digital literacy. The project involves research, analysis, presentations on the national qualification framework (ეროვნული კვალიფიკაციების ჩარჩო https://eqe.ge/ka/page/parent/787/erovnuli-kvalifikatsiebis-charcho ), senior student lectures, brochure creation, visits to organizations, and meetings with professionals. An electronic and material book will be crafted to boost digital competences. Students will also create online platform to provide project resources to a wider audience, contributing to informed professional decisions and digital literacy growth among students.
4 თვე
450 დოლარი